Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy or recommendation PRESENTATION June 2018

Japan Association of Language Teachers Computer Assisted Language Learning
Special Interest Group 25th Anniversary Conference 2018
Presentation: Saturday 2:10 pm - 2:40 pm  Room 403
Anthony Brian Gallagher
MAODE(Open), PGCODE(Open), ProGCE, B.Sc.(Hons.)
Member of the General Teaching Council of Scotland
Institution: Meijo University, Faculty of Foreign Studies

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
policy or recommendation?

What is the impact on students of a BYOD recommendation rather than a policy?
Device lending data trends are analyzed to establish the differences in student needs and wants between iPad tablet devices and standard PC laptops

What is the impact on students of a BYOD recommendation rather than a policy? The device lending data trends are analyzed to establish the differences in student needs and wants between iPad tablet devices and standard PC laptops. What correlations may exist between lending data and accessibility? Will device lending capacity have an impact on future borrowers and the entire university recommendation (not policy)? This presentation will show borrowing data of devices and student preferences along with a student questionnaire to establish if there are any correlations between the types of devices, access to those devices and the limitations of the Japanese university involved. I suggest that no policy is pushed on students because of the pre-knowledge that it is fundamentally flawed. Trends in the data will clearly show that students have a preference for one specific device over the other because of the limitations of the latter. Money spent on tablet devices would be better spent on PC devices that are more practical and effective for students to function within their university environment. This presentation confirms with data the need for ensuring the user experience is best prepared for and to show how finances should be spent for maximum effectiveness for institutions.

What correlations may exist between lending data and accessibility for these 2 types of devices

Learning Commons Lending Service Data 2016
April May June July August September October November December January
Laptop PC 83 104 222 279 83 268 239 329 182
iPad 55 43 66 62 13 28 31 21 13
Others 4 13 7 6 0 2 23 26 2
Total 142 160 295 347 96 298 293 376 197
Students 138
Learning Commons Lending Service Data 2017
April May June July August September October November December January
Laptop PC 907 871 1306 1381 166 1364 1121 1513 680
iPad 25 8 21 17 3 17 7 23 12
Others 43 42 37 36 23 67 28 59 20
Total 975 921 1364 1434 192 1448 1156 1595 712
Students 2101
April May June July August September October November December January
2016 58% 65% 75% 80% 86% 90% 82% 88% 92%
2017 93% 95% 96% 96% 86% 94% 97% 95% 96%

I suggest that no policy is pushed on students because of the pre-knowledge that it is fundamentally flawed.
üJapanese universities have no affiliation with companies to promote any one device.
üMany Japanese universities have little or no technical support for students.
üJapanese universities should adopt a leasing agreement with a manufacturer.
Trends in the data show that students have a preference for one specific device over the other because of the limitations of the latter.
Money spent on tablet devices would be better spent on PC devices that are more practical and effective for students to function within their university environment.
This data confirms the need for ensuring the user experience is best prepared for and to show that finances should be spent for maximum effectiveness for institutions.
Future work
Does device lending capacity have an impact on future borrowers and the entire university recommendation to become a set policy)?
1.Administrations should pay attention to internal data to furnish students with the correct information and advice on information technology.
2.There is a need for extended ICT support
3.Students need ICT training to enrich their user experience and to increase their output potential.

For more information on the User Experience please read some of my other publications and presentations.
Considering the user experience
Related Work:
üGallagher, A.B. (2018) Cosmetic & Disruptive Technologies Management in Education 
üGallagher, A.B. (2017) Assistive & Disruptive Technology in Learning
üGallagher, A.B. (2017) Assistive, Disruptive and Cosmetic Technology in Education
üGallagher, A.B. (2016) Killing Them Softly with Phone Love
üGallagher, A.B. (2015) Reducing the Dangers of Computer Vision Syndrome while promoting Learner Autonomy.
üGallagher, A.B. (2014) Using a Virtual Learning Environment to Teach Referencing and Researching, Polls and Plenaries, Collaboration and Success.


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