JALT CALL Conference Presentations 2014-2016

Assistive, Disruptive and Cosmetic Technology in Education

In a broad sense, assistive or adaptive technology (AT) is any device, piece of equipment or system that helps a person with a disability work around challenges so they can learn, communicate or simply function better. Understanding what AT is and how it works is the first step toward finding the right tools for students. By looking at definitions and examples of AT, I propose a new definition of Disruptive Technology (DT) - based on Christensen "disruptor/disruptee" theory - and define the new term of "Cosmetic Technology (CT)". By developing a decision matrix based on the categorization of technologies and their user interfaces I hope to best guide instructors in implementing the right technology for them and to also guide institutions in their procurement decision by explaining the negative effects of CT and DT on teaching and learning.

Killing Them Softly with Phone Love

Cell phones and tablets are changing the way we access information and entertainment. The use of these devices influences our posture and body mechanics in unhealthy ways that contribute to neck, upper back, shoulder, and arm pain. How do students (young healthy people) perceive their usage and how can we teach them good practice?
This presentation shows results of a survey on computer vision syndrome and student perceptions of CALL.

Reducing the Dangers of Computer Vision Syndrome while promoting Learner Autonomy.

In the promotion of learner autonomy and expansion of using electronic devices to facilitate and support that learning there are many dangers that learners face, often without any idea that they may be at risk. This paper explains the dangers that are clear and present as well as those that are not instinctive to device users and can be reduced or avoided. Students are often not consulted on the use of technology in a classroom and feel dis-empowered in their learning as well as physically at a loss when asked to produce in electronic format work that they previously did with pen and paper. With a focus on visual issues and learner care this paper looks to highlight and address some of the issues that can be dealt with in class and in front of a screen in order to promote learner autonomy and well-being.

Using a Virtual Learning Environment to Teach Referencing and Researching, Polls and Plenaries, Collaboration and Success.

This workshop will show how to use a virtual learning environment to teach EFL students how to do referencing and share research. With a focus on APA referencing, this workshop will hope to provide instructors information on how to use "Edmodo" through a whole scheme of work. Setting-up and enrolling students, presenting an introduction, setting exercises, plenary surveys, resource sharing and referencing. Ending with open feedback for students (and instructors). This workshop is immediately applicable to every course you teach and will connect you to a 24-7 learning environment. This free, open and online learning environment will allow instructors to be both "sage on the stage" as well as "guide on the side". Extremely applicable to modern learning, this VLE is also extremely accessible on mobile devices and allows asynchronous learning, both on and off campus.

JALT CALLSIG Conferences are held annualy in early June each year.
Japan Association of Language Teachers Computer Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group


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